Jonathan Lee

Worldly Images

Forth Bridge 23rd June 2015

Having been to Scotland many times before I’d never really taken to time to admire the Forth Bridge from up close so in one evening I did it from both sides and it only took me about 90 minutes; including the train trip between North Queensferry & Dalmeny.

I decided to pick North Queensferry first as the train times worked better and it couldn’t have been any easier to walk the 5 minutes from the station down to the vantage point that I used. Of note is the fact that the sun is shining onto the correct side of the bridge to get photos from North Queensferry in the evening; it doesn’t matter at Dalmeny though as you can walk under the bridge by the sea to get to either side.

Having done the train back over the bridge to Dalmeny I was actually considering my options and wasn’t quite sure I’d have enough time to get down and back in time for my train. The walk down at Dalmeny is a little more strenuous, especially coming back up the steps that are encountered en-route. If you exit the station and turn right there’s a roundabout in front of you, just to the right of the road that goes straight ahead is a footpath that leads you down to the bridge, which actually leads underneath it en-route. It’s signposted in both directions once on the footpath and pretty easy to follow; I wouldn’t be so sure in wet conditions though.

The views at the Dalmeny side are from below the bridge, as opposed to from above on the North Queensferry side, but you have the luxury of being able to walk beneath it to get photos from whichever side takes your fancy. It was well worth the effort and a return from Edinburgh to North Queensferry was £8.80 in the evening peak so a lot cheaper during the daytime.

The Photos:

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