Jonathan Lee

Worldly Images


General Photography

Yorkshire Wildlife Park VIP Trip – 2nd May 2018

Having done a VIP trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in 2017, and enjoyed it very much, a second VIP trip was inevitable. Knowing what to expect doesn’t always make the trip less enjoyable and it certainly didn’t on this occasion. The fact that the weather had been truly dismal in the morning had put Read the Rest…

Yorkshire Wildlife Park VIP Visit – 14th May 2017

Having been to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park a few times and not for a couple of years, this was a trip with a difference. It was one where we got to feed lions, otters, squirrel monkeys and a whole host of other fun creatures, all while being escorted around the park by a park ranger. Read the Rest…

Conisbrough Snow 27th December 2014

Being Conisbrough bred I can never resist the urge to head out with the camera when it snows; there’s so much to photograph, we really are spoilt for choice. On the morning of 27th December, after a fresh sprinkling of snow the night before, I braved the freshly un-gritted roads on the short journey from Read the Rest…

Edlington – House Martins 2014

During 2013 the nests on my house went unused and I thought that was the end of that. I was wrong and in 2014 I have no less than 4 sets of House Martins nesting; two of which have actually joined the nests together and used the same foundations! I was lucky enough to catch Read the Rest…

Yorkshire Wildlife Park – October 2013

This was my second trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park and it was just as enjoyable as the first had been. For a sunny October day it was certainly busy, probably as it was a weekend as well. There had been some new additions to the site since our previous visit and while everything else Read the Rest…

Conisbrough Castle 23rd July 2013

At the third attempt within a month we managed to get into Conisbrough Castle keep; the first time the castle had been closed and the second the keep closed due to an electrical issue with the lighting on the stairs. I can understand why the keep was closed for safety reasons; even with the lighting Read the Rest…

Yorkshire Wildlife Park – July 2013

Yorkshire Wildlife Park is on the outskirts of Doncaster, off the A638, and is well signposted off the main roads. An excellent day out, whether you have kids, or not; if you want to avoid the masses of visiting children, visiting after approx 1300 on school days, will ensure most have already left, or are Read the Rest…

Conisbrough Viaduct – 2nd February 2013

A stark contrast to two weeks previous where everything was white with snow, yet strangely it was colder during this late afternoon walk…… The intermittent sun provided for some excellent Winter evening shots.  

Conisbrough Viaduct – 22nd January 2013

A nice Winter walk from Edlington via Warmsworth to Conisbrough Viaduct. The footpath leading off Warmsworth Halt makes for a great way to get between Edlington & Conisbrough, or even further afield through to Sprotborough or Mexborough should you so wish. It leads right beneath the A630 as it enters Conisbrough from Doncaster and straight Read the Rest…

Edlington – House Martins Summer 2012

I have swallows nesting underneath the eaves outside my bedroom window. They’ve been coming back for about 5 years now. I know some people don’t want them anywhere near their homes but i quite like having them about, it’s certainly not often you get to be so close to any form of bird, and sat Read the Rest…

Conisbrough – Olympic Torch June 26th 2012

I was lucky enough not to have to work in the morning on this day, although i did have a bit of a logistical nightmare to overcome to get the photos, in that i needed to be on the 1033 train from Conisbrough to Sheffield, to get for a meeting in Derby. With my car Read the Rest…

Conisbrough Castle & Viaduct 25th/26th March 2012

A nice Spring day, cracking for a walk round Conisbrough with the camera, the following taken on 25th March 2012: I’d been eyeing up some of the shots taken here of Conisbrough Castle for years and just never got round to walking over the road to get them. If you look closely at the reflection shots Read the Rest…

York May 2011

It was a red hot Bank Holiday weekend and we were stuck for something to do. Having walked part way round the York Wall and visited the Minster we drove up the road to Murton Park where the Yorkshire Museum of Farming is housed. Not only do they have animals for the children (and my girlfriend) Read the Rest…