Jonathan Lee

Worldly Images


General Information

Tunisia is generally known for its beach holidays or ancient ruins at Carthage or El Jem. The former I’ve experienced, the latter unfortunately not.

Getting around the country by train is simple enough, timetables for which are sometimes available on the Tunisian Railways (SNCFT) website, however if they’re not then they are available on the Fahrplancenter website, which also lists timetables for many other places throughout the world.

For the tourist wanting to travel a few times during their stay it is well worth considering buying a Carte Bleue. This allows unlimited travel throughout Tunisia for a set fee in three different classes. The only fare then payable is an admission to each train (long distance trains only not local trains) which even in comfort class is a very minimal cost.

Railway Photography

Tunisia June 2012

This trip was a bit of a last minute thing. Driven by two things really, one being the fact that i’d been wanting to go again for a while and two the fact that it seemed Tunisian Railways, SNCFT, were having a bit of a loco crisis (according to recent reports during 2012) which had resulted Read the Rest…

General Photography

Tunisia June 2012

A short 7 day trip, it was a quick in/out trip, railway orientated of course, which didn’t take us anywhere other than northern Tunisia along the railway lines from Tunis – Bizerte & Tunis – Ghardimaou (on the Algerian border). We based ourselves at the Hotel Omrane in Tunis, a short 2 minute walk from Read the Rest…