Jonathan Lee

Worldly Images


General Information

India, such a vast country, yet such an easy country to navigate, by train of course…………

Indian Railways is a massive system but you can find everything you need to know relating to train times, costs etc etc on the following Websites:

Indian Railways



To book your train tickets prior to your visit you can only do this via one place in the UK, this is SD Enterprises Ltd. Based in Wembley in North London, Shankar Dandapani (the SD of SDEL) offers an excellent service and will cater for your whole trip and not just your train tickets if you so desire.

For the Rail Enthusiast

For information on Indian Railways the best forum to seek advice, find information or post your own information is the IRFCA Forum which you will have to become a member of to be able to post on.

For those wanting to understand their Indian Railway geography The Great Indian Railway Atlas now on its second edition, is available from Samit Roychoudhury via his website.