Jonathan Lee

Worldly Images

North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR) September 2011

The week before the North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR) diesel gala 31128 was used every day due to not only the lack of steam loco but the railways own 25, 25278, was out of service and their 24, 24061 not being too well either, so ‘128 got a good run out with two round trips a day most days between Pickering & Grosmont.

On 12th September 31128 worked the following:

1000 Pickering – Grosmont, 1230 Grosmont – Pickering, 1400 Pickering – Grosmont & 1730 Whitby – Pickering from Grosmont

On 13th September 31128 worked the following:

1000 Pickering – Grosmont (powering on the rear, 24061 was train engine but not very well!), 1230 Grosmont – Pickering, 1400 Pickering – Grosmont & 1730 Whitby – Pickering from Grosmont


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